
2 Red Design Technology

2 responses to “2 Red Design Technology”

  1. Adam K.

    Adam told me all about him making sandwich at school and how much fun he had.
    Adam does try and make sandwich at home with mums assistance.
    First i and my mum get all the ingredients such as bread, butter, cheese and cucumber.
    I get 2 bread and i use butter to spread my bread and add cheese to my sandwich and cucumber. I use sandwich knife to cut my sandwich.
    I really enjoy being independent with my mum watching me make my own sandwich. I also help my mum clean all the mess after and wash the dishes as thats my house chore to help my mum.

  2. Ameera K.

    1. Take lowf of bread
    2. Put your toppings
    3. Fold you lowf of bread
    4. Enjoy your sandwich

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