3 Blue Limerick Poems πŸ˜‚

13 responses to “3 Blue Limerick Poems πŸ˜‚”

  1. Waniya Z.

    My favourite one is Sarah’s and Lily and myself I loved all of them so much. Thank you for the really really fun day Miss

  2. Liliana S.

    The funniest poem was Hannah’s because she wrote a pee

  3. Sara H.

    well done everyone it was so much fun πŸ˜€ πŸ˜„ 😊 πŸ€—

  4. Nichollas B.

    My favorite was lili because her voice was good and quit funny. Is the best poem ever,im not gonna lie.

  5. Iqra S.

    My favourite poem was wanniya because it was just so good and funny

  6. Aesha M.

    My favorite limerick poem is all of them because it was so funny and amazing and I loved it.

  7. Ahsan M.

    My favourite limerick poem was hannah’s
    because it was very funny and it made me

  8. Hudaa M.

    My favroite one is Ella because it is funny and nice!!!!

  9. Zenat N.

    I like everyone but I like Hanna limerick poem everyone did a good job well done βœ”everybody

  10. Maryum N.

    I loved Sara and lillys poem best because it was silly and nice at the same time. But it had repetition,stanzas,and rhyming words and I loved when we were writing on whiteboards first then books so Mrs farooq can checked I love everyone’s facts and ideas. It was very funny and interesting with for example Spain and mane rhyme and I loved writing the poems in our books. It was brilliant and fantastic well done!.

  11. Rahman A.

    Because it was about a funny poem Ibrahim πŸ˜„ 😌

  12. Rahman A.

    Well done Ibrahim

  13. Rahman A.

    Nice won Ibrahim soooo much funy

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