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3 White’s Egyptian Day

Today we had a wonderful Egyptian day. We made our Canopic jars, created our own cartouches, explored the number system, researched Cleopatra and even mummified our friends. 

What have you been learning about the Egyptians?

What did you think of Egyptian day?

7 responses to “3 White’s Egyptian Day”

  1. Camarni H.

    1.I have leant about how the Egyptians built the pyramids
    2.I think it was super cool and interesting

  2. Adrian O.

    I learnt that the Egyptians believed in the afterlife so they mummified rich people.
    2. I thought it was amazing I even saw what looked like a old organ in a canopic jar and live mummies.

  3. Aadam R.

    I learnt that the Egyptians thought away the brain because they did not think it would be useful in the after life.

    I fought Egyptian day was the best day.

  4. Subodh K.

    1. I learned egyptian numbers
    2. it was fun and amazing

  5. Tinuola T.

    We have been learning about the Pharaohs, the Nile, mummigication and pyramids.
    I think Egyptian day was one of the most fun day of my life!
    I loved every single bit of Egyrian day it was very fun.

  6. Nabiha I.

    I have learnt about Egypt is that Cleipatra rueled with her dad.
    Egyptian day was AMAZING!!!😃🤗🤩😍
    My favirite was when we turend into a mumy and we were dead.☠

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