
4 Blue PSHE Week 2

How can you show respect to others?

What other school values link into respect someone? How?

Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them.

27 responses to “4 Blue PSHE Week 2”

  1. Aisha A.

    I can respect people by making communication with them, and also I can respect them by letting them be who they want to be.
    What other school values link into respect some one? And how?
    Respecting everyone especially older people. You can be respectful then the younger people can copy you and not only the younger people the older people probably.
    You could say to people:
    Do you want to play with me?
    Want to be friends?
    I can show you around if you want me to. (If someone does not know where to go or if they are new)
    Those are what you can say.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Fantastic! Why is respect important in friendships?

  2. Retaj I.

    1:You can show respect by being kind don’t be mean other wise you will get in big big trouble so alway be kind.

    2:The values that link to respect are communication,respect,kindness,honesty and Empathy because we should always be kind to people no matter who they are.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Fantastic! Why is respect important in friendships?

      1. Retaj I.

        Because we should respect people and don’t be mean to each other.

  3. Elham S.

    How can you show respect to others?
    I can show respect by making people laugh.

    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    Teamwork because people help others.

    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them. I could tell someone do a good thing.
    How can you show respect to others?
    I can show respect by helping others.

    What other school values link into respect someone? How?

    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Great stuff! Why is respect important in friendships?

    2. Elham S.

      How can you show respect to others?
      I can show respect by helping others.

      What other school values link into respect someone?

  4. Tyson T.

    Respect means having good time with someone and getting to know them well and being kind to them.

  5. Aran K.

    1.By saying kind stuff, respecting others , helping others, saying good words and good manners.
    2.Kindness because you are being kind to others and respecting others.
    3.Great job! Nice job! Good job!

    -Aro and Aran

    1. Mrs Latham

      Fantastic! Why is respect important in friendships?

  6. Romeesa T.

    We can show respect by kind to people religions.
    Teamwork because when some on there own if you walk up to them then you said to you want to be on my team then that teamwork.
    Say sorry , I Forgive them and say they are cool.

    Romeesa and Ghazala

    1. Mrs Latham

      Fantastic! Why is respect important in friendships?

  7. Hasbia D.

    How can you show respect to others?
    You can show respect to others by speaking politely and being kind.
    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    Kindness, teamwork and communication because they all show respect.
    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them.
    Never give up.
    Follow your dreams.
    To gain
    Sumaya and Hasbia

    1. Mrs Latham

      What does respect mean to you?

      1. Hasbia D.

        Respects to me means kindness, teamwork and communication.

  8. Umama H.

    How can you show respect to others?
    Show empathy for differences.
    Show gratitude and be polite.
    Celebrate their achievements.
    Try understand others.
    Be encouraging.
    Keep your promises.
    Show kindness
    Don’t be jealous at peoples achievements.
    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    Kindness because your respecting them by being kind
    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them.
    Well done
    You can do this
    I like the food.

    1. Umama H.

      Eman and Umama

    2. Mrs Latham

      Amazing! What does respect mean to you?

  9. Muhammad R.

    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    How can you show respect others?
    Helping others and communicating politely.
    Tell me three things you could say to say to someone to help build a respectful relationship which them?
    Be kind,never disrespect
    Treat the people the way you want to be treated
    Be honest and have a kind heart to them

    1. Mrs Latham

      Fab! What does respect mean to you?

  10. Sania K.

    How can you show respect to others?
    We can show respect to others by accepting them for who they are .
    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    Communication is linked because you talk to other people politely.
    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them.
    Thank you ,please and good job.
    Rayyana and Sania.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Lovely! Why is respect important in friendships?

  11. Yaseen E.

    can you show respect to others?
    Yes because he will be your friend and he will lead to other friends.
    What other school values link into respect someone? How?
    Communication because saying something good to someone.
    Tell me three things you could say to someone to help build a respectful relationship with them
    1.don’t give up.
    2.you are awesome

    1. Mrs Latham

      Tell me some ways you can be respectful to others? Be specific.

  12. Tyson T.

    You should respect them by thinking good about them.
    Teamwork because than you have good sportsmanship.
    Say kind things like you’re awesome,You can do it and Be resilient.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What does respect mean to you?

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