5 Blue-This is me

What a super first week! 5 Blue have settled back into school brilliantly and have been risen to all challenges set. This week we have been focusing on a project called ‘This is me’. We have thought about how we are unique and how at school as a team we can show uniformity. We have discussed how our differences should be celebrated and develop team building skills.

See our video:

How are you unique?

What school values have we focused on this week? Give definitions for them both.

What is the difference between equity and equality?

31 responses to “5 Blue-This is me”

  1. Tahiyan C.

    I’m unique because I really like drawing faces and I talk not too loud and I don’t know all the English language . I look like I’m tired but I’m not. We focused in this values : Imagination and Teamwork.
    The difference between equity and equality is that equity means when something is fair for everyone and equality means when everyone have the same.

  2. Zainab A.

    I am unique by like having the best hand writing in year 5

    The school values we have leant this week is imagination and knowledge

    Equwaty means being fair and equality means it is the same amount

  3. Luxor A.

    1. I am unique I like listening to music practise to do
    2.we have focused on knowledge =that you know stuff and facts
    Teamwork = that u work as a team
    Imagination = you have a good mindset
    3.equity means that it the same
    And equality means that it is fair.

  4. Safiyah P.

    I am unique beacause I go to tuition and I have an interest in maths.
    The value we have worked on this week is imagination and knowledge.
    Knowledge-what you know and learn from education and experience.
    Imagination- is a mental picture of something.
    Equality is being equal and equity is being fair.

  5. Rubinio M.

    I am toned becos it don’t hav the seam nem and Iy hav brifrunt he cultured
    I hav culture scin culur

  6. Muhammed A.

    I love nature and wildlife.
    We have learned about knowledge and imagination.
    Equality means when every think is the same but equity mean when it is fair.

  7. Lillie S.

    How are you unique?
    I am unique because I am a atheist and I like llamas

    What school values have we focused on this week? Give definitions for them both.
    Imagination – being creative and resourceful
    Knowledge – knowing something about a certain thing

    What is the difference between equity and equality?
    Equity means that it’s fair and equality means everything is the same

  8. Naimol A.

    Ok I will do it

  9. Aayan M.

    I am unique because I like gardening.
    Teamwork is when you work with your team.
    Knowledge is what you learn from experiences.

  10. Zakariya K.

    I am unique because I like football
    Individual means you are one.Knowledge is what you know.
    Equality means being equal and equity means being fair.

  11. Maryam G.

    I am unique because I like history and geography.
    Teamwork and knowledge.
    Equity means when everything is fair.
    Equality means when everything is equal.

  12. Safa M.

    I am unique because I like sports and gaming
    Kindness= by treating people the same like with respect.
    Teamwork= working together as a team.
    Equity means giving the same thing but it’s not fair
    Equality means giving different thing but it is fair

  13. Inaaya S.

    I like dancing and singing
    Teamwork and communication
    Equity means everything is fair but equity means the same amount of things

  14. Brooke M.

    I am unique because I wear glasses and have a interest in makeup.
    Teamwork – teamwork means working together.
    Equity means being fair and equality means having the sa!e amount but isn’t fair.

  15. Zahra A.

    I am unique because of my skills I like playing with friend.
    Mindset set
    growth mind set
    equity mean fair quatily is fair sameness

  16. Aleena I.

    1.I am unique because of my appearance, talents and my likes and dislikes

    Kindness-Treating other people how you want them to treat you
    Teamwork – working as a team

  17. Zakariah D.

    I am unique because I like playing games and doing projects.
    Uniqueness means being different to everyone and standing out.
    Equity means something being completely fair.
    Equality means everyone is treated equally.
    Kindness means being generous and friendly.
    The difference is with equality everything’s equal whereas equity means everything is fair.

  18. Serina I.

    How are you unique?
    I can run really fast.
    What school values have we focused on this week? Give definitions for them both.
    Imagination:the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.
    Knowledge:facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
    What is the difference between equity and equality?
    Equity:is when it is fair.
    equality:is when it’s equal.

  19. Joel G.

    I am unique because I life drawing and dancing.
    We focused on:
    Knowledge = facts that you know
    from education/experience
    Equality = everything is the same
    Equity = fair
    Unique = different in your own way
    The difference is equity is fair and equality is the same

  20. Aisha R.

    We have focused on imagination a new knowledge
    Equality- sameness
    Equity- fairness

  21. Muhammad S.


    1. Muhammad S.


  22. Jasmine M.

    How are you unique?
    I am unique because I like reading and I like playing Roblox
    What school values have we focused on this week?
    Imagination- the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.

    1. Jasmine M.

      Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education.
      Equity means being fair and impartial and Equality means the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities.

  23. Sumayyah A.

    I ‘m unique because I got lots of awards.
    Imagination: Is what you think of and it’s in your brain
    Knowledge: What you know
    Equity is fair Equality sameness

  24. Gufran E.

    I am unique because I enjoy baking , like sport related things and like history.
    The school values we have been learning about were imagination meaning the ability of the kings being creative or resourceful and knowledge meaning facts information and skills acquired through experience of education.
    Equity means fairness , equality means sameness

  25. Hasti M.

    We are unique because we like different things like reading a book and playing with your friends.
    Team work Mantra uniformity
    Equity is when something is fair equality means the same amount of something

  26. Azaan H.

    How are you unique?
    Because I am the shortest in the class.
    What school values have we focused on this week? Give definitions for them both.
    Fixed mindset.
    Growth mindset.
    Equity means everythings fair but equality means there is a same amount of things.

  27. Azaan H.

    How are you unique?
    Because I am the shortest in the class.
    What school values have we focused on this week? Give definitions for them both.
    Fixed mindset.
    Growth mindset.
    What is the difference between equity and equality?

  28. Faizan R.

    We are unique because has different likes and dislikes for example I love football and playing on Xbox but someone else might not.

    * Uniformity- the quality of state on mind.
    * Well-being- a state of being comfortable, healthy , or happy .
    *Mantra – a statement or slogan repeated frequently.
    *Knowledge- fact , information and skills .
    *Imagination- the ability of the mind to be created.
    *Equality – a state of being equal .
    *Unique – being the only one else kind , unlike anything else
    *Teamwork- the combined action of a group .

    Equality difference with with equity Is a group of people given resources or opportunities but equity has different circumstances.

  29. Lawy A.

    I like football and I am one of the best in year 5.
    Teamwork and communication.
    Equity means everything is fair but equality means the same amount of things.

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