
5 White detective drama

Today we worked in groups of three to act out sections of a traditional detective story.

We made progress by

  1. Empathising with characters

2. Understanding the sequence of the scene

3. Using a range of expression, body language and range of voice.

Below are some of our examples.

How could I show I’m confident when acting?

7 responses to “5 White detective drama”

  1. Nihit N.

    To act confidently, you should stand straight, project your voice and gave the character and the audience. You shouldn’t stutter or speak too quietly.

  2. Hammad A.

    Be confident
    remember lines
    don’t be shy
    loud voices.

  3. Ayaan B.

    Remember your lines
    Be confident
    Don’t be shy
    Have the right voice for each line (loud or quiet)
    Look at the audience
    Stand straight
    Smile :)

  4. Abdurrahman K.

    Good poustur
    Loud voice
    Don’t be shy
    Remember you’re line’s
    Be prepared
    Strait back
    Speak clear
    Face the audience

  5. Fatimah K.

    Loud voices
    Project your voice
    Be confident
    Know what to say

  6. Aysha R.

    Loud voices
    Be prepared
    Memorise your lines
    Don’t be shy

  7. Sadeen S.

    How could I show I’m confident when acting?
    I can show I am confident when acting with:
    A loud voice
    Straight back
    Speak slowly and clearly
    Make eye contact

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