6Red Oral Biographies

Some of 6Red have been studying Pele and carrying out research on the man deemed as ‘the greatest player to have ever lived.
All children work in pairs to produce an oral biography. Everyone had the opportunity to present their work to others.

Here is a sample of our work.

6 responses to “6Red Oral Biographies”

  1. Israa F.

    Why do we gesticulation?

    Gesticulation is when you gesture something mostly using your hands you might not need to use so much of this as many people will find it distracting and will be hard to concentrate what is going on however if you don’t the audience might find it boring so you have to use it the right amount of times.

    Intonation means where your pronouncing types of words used in your in your performance and when u are talking but you will need to be loud as people may or may not be able to hear and its a bit like clarity

  2. Shahzaib M.

    this is fun researching about frida kahlo

  3. Safa K.

    We should gesticulate because we should move are hands other than just standing still.However you should not gesticulate too much because it may be distracting to the audience.
    Intonation is when you are speaking but maybe saying or pronouncing some words differently or saying them a little louder.

  4. Hasan B.

    Why do we gesticulate?
    We gesticulate because when you are performing to an audience you should like use your hands your legs because if you don’t do that people will think you are only talking and showing no actions.
    What does Intonation mean?
    Intonation means when the rise and the fall of your voice speaking.

    1. Kaif B.

      It’s Kaif. I didn’t realised I was logged on by my brother’s account.

  5. Afreen S.

    Gesticulation is when you you gesture something mostly using your hands you might not need to use so much of this as many people will find it distracting and will be hard to concentrate what is going on however if you don’t the audience might find it boring so you have to use it the the right amount of times.

    Intonation is where your pronouncing types of words used in your performance but you will need to be loud as people may or may not be able to hear ( it is a bit like clarity)

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