
6Red – World Book Day

What a wonderful World Book Day we have had, exploring the world of comics and animation!

Our day was launched with an assembly by the Brothers McLeod, who really inspired us by showing us some of their stories and animations.

As part of a speaking and listening activity, the children had the opportunity to share their favourite books and explain why they liked them – Dork Diaries proved to be a firm favourite but it was good to see the Guinness World Records in there, too.

We explored the questions ‘What is a Comic?’ and produced some great information posters to explain this. Did you know, The Bayeux Tapestry, which shows the 1066 Battle of Hastings, is considered a comic? The tapestry is70 metres long and is made up of lots of different panels, showing different parts of the story.

During the afternoon, we had a workshops with the same authors, who taught us how to create our own characters effectively and a six panel story. We will be finishing these tomorrow during our well-being day.

What was your favourite part of the day?

17 responses to “6Red – World Book Day”

  1. Ramarni J.

    Me and Diana wanted to ask if we wear school uniform to Saturday school? And we forgot to ask you in school today.

  2. Noah J.

    Creating the comic strip.

  3. Aalya H.

    I think it was a fun day! And my favourite about world book day is doing the posters about comics where we draw pictures and short sentences and we did an assembly about books sp it wasnt that bad on the day!πŸ˜€

  4. Caleb A.

    I loved this day especially with the authors and when we made the posters.

  5. Diana D.

    My favourite part , is when we did the work shop because, they asked us a series of questions and then we made funny character Mr Bob Awkward .. and it actually really gave my an inspiration to get an interest in anime .

  6. Tana I.

    My favourite bit of World Book Day is the poster

  7. Maryam I.

    And where I used my new cloures

  8. Zeyd H.

    The McLeod brothers were really a big inspiration! My favourite part was making the comics.

  9. Maryam I.

    My favourite part of the day was when we made those clourful posters about comics and what they are.
    But I just can’t wait for wellbeing day

  10. Lexi M.

    My favourite part of world book day was when we all made a comic it was really fun to draft my own comic.

  11. Hanfaa N.

    My favourite part of the day was comics and the workshop. Mohamed

  12. Ibraheem S.

    My favourite part was the comic story board

  13. Asma Akbari

    My favorite part of the day was when we made posters .

  14. Aarav R.

    My favourite part of the day was when we made comics.

  15. Ramarni J.

    My favourite part of the day was when we took the library photo because it brought our class together and all of the costumes were nice! 😊

  16. Mrs Morris

    A great buzz in the room, 6Red. You all made me proud today. Your efforts were amazing.

  17. Hanfaa N.

    My favourite part of the day was when we made the posters and i love how calm and nice it was absolutely amazing 😊😊😊

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