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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

RW – Week 4 – What have we been up to?

PSED – To consider the feelings of others.

This week in RW we have been learning all about the story ’The Highway Rat’. In this story the rat is a baddie! We thought about how different characters in the story may be feeling when they meet the rat.

UW – To compare and contrast characters from stories.

We shared the story and thought about other characters we have met this term. We focussed on the Witch from the story Room on a Broom and compared her to the Highway Rat; thinking about the similarities and differences between the two characters.

C&L – To listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.

We retold the story of The Highway Rat. The children used masks to retell in small groups to develop their language skills and to show an understanding if the text.

Maths – To develop an understanding of the number 6.

In Maths this week we have been developing our knowledge of the number six. The children are confident when working with numbers to 5 so we are adding six to the mix! We provided the children with a ladybird template and six spots, the children were able to subitise to say how many and we challenged to see how many different ways they could arrange the spots to show six.

EAD – Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects.

The children were inspired by the Highway Rats mask in the book. They used a template to design and make their own mask. The children thought creatively and used a range of materials.

Literacy – To use describing words (adjectives).

We have been working hard to develop our independent writing. The children have been trying to form lower-case letters correctly and have been attempting to spell words by identifying the sounds and writing them. Some of us have been writing short sentences to describe the Highway Rat.

Busy Bee Time.

During independent choosing time this week we have been developing lots of skills. In the tuff tray this week we have been practicing and refining our use of scissors.

On the creative table this week we have developing our fine motor skills by making our own Highway Rat puppets to use in the Puppet Theatre.

In the Maths area this week we have been matching Numicon tiles to build a Numicon City! We have also been exploring shape and used cubes to make a range of 2D shapes.

In the Literacy area this week we have been using the puppet theatre to develop our communication and language skills. We have also been writing police reports to show the Highway Rats terrible actions. We have been using our phonics skills to form CVC and CVCC words using the magnetic letters to match the pictures.

To develop our fine motor skills in the Funky Fingers area, we have been positioning the counting bears and elephants along different lines ensuring that they are straight. We have also been clipping paper clips onto a piece of card which some of us have found quite tricky!

3 responses to “RW – Week 4 – What have we been up to?”

  1. Mrs Hameed

    Hello Reception White we had a fantastic week of learning.Keep up the good work everyone!😊

  2. Gaira M.

    A highway rat is a bad rat because it takes people’s food and I had fun with numicons… I made a house

  3. Aaron R.

    “The Highway Rat is not a good citizen because he steals all the squirrels nuts and the clover from the rabbit. I like to do all of them activities”

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