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5 Red perform ’The Raven’

Today in English, 5 Red got to perform a stanza from the poem ’The Raven’ They used intonation, changed pitched and speed, expression, hand gestures and sound effects to perform it. Take a look at our performances below.

  1. What skills have you transferred from the professionals to your own performances?

5 responses to “5 Red perform ’The Raven’”

  1. Muhammad B.

    Interetsing scary parts.

  2. Muhammad B.

    It was also very hard to do with hand gesturs and high and low volume. The hardest thing was knowing it all of by heart as some of the children made mistakes. But it was fun doing our perfomances out loud to the whole class. And doing expression on our faces hand gestures and also making you voice high and low and slowly in the interestin scary parts.

    1. Muhammad B.

      Interesing scary parts.

  3. Kevin R.

    My best bit is me being the ghost upon the floor😂😂😂👍👏

  4. Simin W.

    We have transferred the skill of changing the volume of our voices to make it more scary and to use hand gestures . We could also use our facial expressions to show what the character is feeling in the poem.

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