School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


4 Blue’s Great Greenhouses

This week, 4 Blue have been designing and building greenhouses with wooden frames. They have had to measure the wood, saw it, attach it and use their learning of area to calculate how much plastic to cover it in.

Even though some of us aren’t quite finished yet, the skills each and every child has gained are fab life skills for future DIY projects.

4 responses to “4 Blue’s Great Greenhouses”

  1. Ghazala H.

    Well done everyone don’ t give up youself amazing greenhouse well
    Done everyone

  2. Minaal A.

    It was so hard to make the green houses it took us a few times to get there but it still looks good.

  3. Romeesa T.

    Well done everyone you all try your hard and try try again so well done to everyone and Teacher

  4. Sania K.

    It was such hard work our green house kept on falling we tried to staple it and it still fell apart but at the end we managed too get it finished .
    Well done everyone .

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