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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Today Year 3 visited Coventry City Centre as part of their geography learning. They were investigating to see whether or not people improve the environment or damage it. To do this the children conducted traffic surveys at 3 different locations: outside the school, by the Walk in Centre and in the City Centre. They also conducted a litter survey at Swanswell Park. The children also explored the range of buildings in the Town Centre and discussed whether or not they enhance the area or damage the area,

What can you tell us about your findings from the litter survey? Have people improved or damaged the environment?

Look at these old pictures of the City Centre, use what you have seen today to answer the question: Have people improved the environment?

47 responses to “Year 3 Geography Day Out”

  1. Amina J.

    No people have not been able to improve the environment because they have been puting rubbish in the floor.

  2. Janelle O.

    Some people have not improved because they are throwing lots and lots of rubbish on the pavement and some are improving because there was a little fountain and now is a big fountain in the city Centre and there are many buildings now.

  3. Welat M.

    People have improved the city centre because there were a lot of roads so people didn’t have walking space and it use’s electricity but now there isn’t a lot of roads around the City Centre and there were a lot of litter like in the swan park animals will think it is food and then they are going to die.

  4. Zoe E.

    People damaged the Cathiedriel, also the German people burned it because they wanted to have more gold and food in there country.People improved roads , churches ⛪️ schools and buildings. Lots of people throwing rubbish on the floor, but now there’s a Law to stop throwing litter.

  5. Aiza B.

    People have’t improved the inviement because there has been a lot of rubbish.It is bad to litter because it can spread more coronavirus.🥺

  6. Nma M.

    1. I found cans, some plastic things and wrappers. I think they haven’t improved the environment. I think this because I found loads of rubbish and ducks or animals could eat it because they think it’s their food but it’s not good for them, because they could die.

    2. They improved the environment because the streets a long time ago, when buses and cars went by, people made them stop driving and went on, so it wasn’t safe back then. Now it is more safer and we don’t stop the cars or buses, they will stop themselves because they can see us so we can walk by.

  7. Joshua C.

    They have made the environment bad because there was litter in the park in the pond. They could of used biodegradable plastic.

  8. Myiesha S.

    The environment has been improved by the shops have been improved.
    There is so much litter in the pond at swansall park.
    The environment has turned a lot more worse in the swansall park.
    The environment has been good since we have been there but at the park it was so much worse.

  9. Anaya R.

    People have damaged the invirement by throwing rubbish.
    We saw cans and papers in the lake.

  10. Afsa P.

    No because there are a lot of pluton in the duck pound there was lots of
    litter and yes because they added new billdings

  11. Muhammad Y.

    People had damaged the environment because they litter so much in parks but they improved the environment by making better buildings and get good business.

  12. Meena B.

    I mean throwing their food.

  13. Meena B.

    Maybe both because for the damage there was rubbish and people thrower their food and drinks around but if there is too much rubbish we’re will the ducks and swans sit.
    For improving there was no rubbish only people can walk in town there will be no cars because it will be to dangerous and they made new things around town like the water fountain and the shops were new there were new restaurants.

  14. Marwah K.

    It was a good day it was sunny☀️But legs were hurting 🦵🏻

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