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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Children practiced their skills. We practiced dribbling, shooting and passing. Children excelled in using their abilities and skills, such as control and coordination, working together as a team and demonstrating great values of teamwork, resilience and kindness. Well done Year 4!


Times tables board game

We worked in groups to play lots of different times table board games. After this we created our own times table board games using the knowledge from the games that we had played. In doing this, we practised our times tables and developed our resilience and teamwork.

Passover activity

We made Plagues of Egypt spinners to help us remember the Passover story.

Active Maths – Tennis

The children in Year 4 enjoyed playing tennis today, getting fresh air and plenty of exercise whilst also challenging our coordination and agility. Great fun!

11 responses to “Year 4 Well-Being Day”

  1. Ayaan M.

    Thank you for the fun activities.

  2. Umar S.

    Well done 👍. Keep it up!

  3. Umama H.

    Wellbeing was fun
    My favourite was mags games

  4. Elyas A.

    I really enjoyed it

  5. Estera V.

    I enjoyed well being day .It was so fun .
    My favorite activity was tennis.

  6. Sania K.

    I enjoyed well being day . My favourite activity was tennis .

  7. Mohammed W.

    well done everyone!

  8. Lusardo M.

    I loved wellbeing day it was such a FUN day .
    I liked basket ball the most because I got to score hoops

  9. Hanfaa N.

    It was really fun I’m excited for the next one.

  10. Tipian I.

    This well being day was amazing I learnt a lot of new skills and developed my learing

  11. Karanbir B.

    I enjoyed well being day
    my favourite activities were basketball tennis the plague spinners and the rest.
    thank you for the day

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