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Year 3 – To Understand How Muscles Work in our Body to Aid Movement.

Today we looked at how muscles help our body move. We used our knowledge to make some moving muscle hands.

How do muscles work?

What is a muscle?

Why do we need muscles?

11 responses to “Year 3 – To Understand How Muscles Work in our Body to Aid Movement.”

  1. Meena B.

    What is a muscle?
    A muscle is like a really soft tissue. And all muscles have differ like jumping, bending and running but there is way more jobs for a muscle. A body has more muscles. More than 600 and a muscle in you eye works by its self but you tell something like an arm to bend.
    How do muscles work?
    A muscle contracts it like bending an arm there are muscles called the bicep and the tricep.
    When the arm bends the bicep goes down but then when the arm is straightened the tricep goes down. They both work together.
    We need muscles the pump our blood though our hole body and we get to survive and breathe.
    We just need oxygen to breathe and our heart also pumps the blood to all of our body parts.

  2. Mohammed K.

    Muscles make your arm move up and down.muscles are everywhere in your body.we need muscles because we need to move

  3. Harrison S.

    The muscles help you bend your arms and contracts.

  4. Mustafa A.

    (1)Muscles do work I know this because it moves your arm up and down.
    (2)A muscle is a part of the body that moves.
    (3)We need muscle because it helps us survive.

  5. Aaron G.

    A muscle is a type of thing that stays around your bones and supports your skin.
    Muscles work by all of your joints .

  6. Muhammed G.

    Muscle is an organ that can con-trap to your movement in your body
    His work by one muscle from the bottom and traps and the other one stretches this makes a movement which could lift up the stuff
    We need Muscle so we won’t be just bone and organs

  7. Mohammed E.

    Muscles is something that helps you bend your arms, knees and fingers.
    The muscle pulls the arm up and down like a string pulling your arm when the string wants to pull itself.
    We need the muscle so we bend our body and move instead of moving like a stachue and strength to protect your own body.

  8. Ramandeep K.

    1.what is a muscle?
    It is like a soft tissue .You have more than 600 muscles in your body. Different types of muscles do different things like their own jobs. Some of your muscles work when your running and jumping.
    2. How do muscle’s work?
    A muscle works when contract it and then relax it by putting it straight and when it’s bented.
    Why do we need muscles?
    We need muscles because it helps us to stand up straight also move about. For example if you didn’t have muscle’s you wouldn’t be able to jump also stand up straight.

  9. Zahra N.

    You have more that 600 Muscles in your body. Different types of muscles have different jobs.
    Muscles move body parts by Contracting and then relaxing. Muscles can pull bones, but they Can’t push them back to the original position. These Muscles help you move, lift things, pump blood through your body, and even help you Breathe.

  10. Hamsia D.

    What is a muscle?
    Muscles are soft tissues. Many stretchy fibers make up your muscles.
    How do muscles work?
    When a muscle contracts, it gets shorter and so pulls on the bone it is attached to. When a muscle relaxes, it goes back to its normal size.
    Why do we need muscles?
    The muscles are responsible for the movement of the human body.

  11. Khadijah M.

    1. What is a muscle?
    Our muscles help us move properly. We have around 640 muscles in our body’s.
    2. How do muscles work?
    Muscles move body parts by contracting, and then relaxing.
    3. Why do we need muscles?
    Our muscles can help you move, lift things, pump blood through your body,
    and even help you breathe!

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