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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Well time is flying by fast, another half term completed. Progress has been made by everyone as we compare recent Sat’s practice paper results. Well done! Take a look back at your learning and share your successes and love of learning with your family and friends.

8 responses to “Year 6 Portfolio”

  1. Yalda N.

    This half term sure did go fast and I look forward to SATS but I’m also nervous. Hope I get a good score. Good luck Y6

  2. Musab H.

    Very fun

  3. Esra S.

    This term was great.
    It went really fast.

  4. Shabaz

    This half term went really fast but had fun during it.

  5. Rhema E.

    I have had a lot of fun this term because we have done a lot of activities like boxing,skate boarding,making posters and lots more

  6. Raees A.

    This term was amazing

  7. Safya S.

    This term was fast

  8. Steven N.

    This half term was really fun!

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