School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Health Week – Friday

To end our Health Week we created a news report about our Year 4 Commonwealth Games that happened yesterday. Working in groups of three, we created news reports in the style of Newsround.
Please watch the video below that showcases our wonderful news reports.

At the end of the day we were lucky enough to participate in a drumba workshop! We had so much but felt really tired afterwards!

7 responses to “Health Week – Friday”

  1. Zahraa Y.

    It was all so much fun!
    I wish I won( and think I sweated too much that I looked like a tomato)

  2. Kamil N.

    Drumba Was amazing and everyone was sweating

  3. Miski M.

    This week has been an epic experience for me. Thank you!

  4. Karanbir B.

    That looked really fun I hope you enjoyed it

  5. Tipian I.

    Sorry I mean it

  6. Tipian I.

    It was so fun and I enjoy ut

  7. Ammara K.

    Drumba was so much fun! It made me very tired!

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