Don’t miss our latest newsletter!

We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

The end of year trip we’ve all been waiting for.
Please read the trip letter below outlining the details for the trip.
Any questions please ask.

6 responses to “Drayton Manor 🎢🎡”

  1. Sheima B.

    I will pay soon

  2. Reece T.

    I will pay sone

  3. Aayan S.

    I will pay tomorrow.

  4. Safya S.

    I will bring in Glastonbury and drator manor money tomorrow if I can

  5. Arina A.

    Thank you for the information.

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