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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


1Blue – History Week

Firstly, welcome back 1Blue!
This week, 1Blue will be learning about Queen Elizabeth. The children understood why Queen Elizabeth is a significant person. They also learned Her Majesty’s history by creating a timeline of events throughout her life. After that, to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the children created a ‘Red Arrow’ jet by folding card as a memorabilia! On Friday, the children compared and found similarities between Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth. After that, they created an informational video to teach you facts about Her Majesty. In the afternoon, the children wrote a letter to the Queen, asking questions.
Please enjoy the video below and share a comment.

3 responses to “1Blue – History Week”

  1. Latifa A.

    I liked making the red, blue and white jet plane because it felt like we were engineers.

  2. Noah M.

    In the UK many people love queen Elizabeth .
    She goes to st Paul’s church.✈ She has visited Mexico.

  3. Emraan A.

    I enjoyed making a Red blue and white airplane

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