Chapter four comprehension

1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?

2) What sends you mad if you drink it?

3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?

4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?

5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?

6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?

7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?

25 responses to “Chapter 4: Kensuke Kingdom”

  1. Reece T.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael mistakes Stella for his football

    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    Saltwater sends you mad if you drink it

    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think Michael feel angry,sad,hopeful and scared

    4) What does Michael worry about as he explore the island
    He worries about stalked by the eyes.
    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    He was describing a lot of things with figurative language

    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    That it was taking time and effort

    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    Yes because if Stella was not there then Michael would not have fallen of the boat.

  2. Steven N.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    Dying to starvation
    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?

    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    Really fast and difficult
    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    Because she is the family’s dog

  3. Yalda N.

    Chapter 4
    1. His football
    2. The seawater
    3. Impatient and scared
    4. That nobody is on the island
    5. Description of his emotions,powerful adjectives and figurative language.
    6. He means that he is climbing slowly and trying his best.
    7. Yes because she is a big thing to Michael and his family.

  4. Danyaal H.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael thinks that the football is Stella but then he realises that the fur is not the same colour as Stella’s fur.

    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    The seawater in the rockpools make you mad. Also in the seawater there is salt which will make you more thirsty.

    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    He probably feels worried and unsure on whether his parents are going to rescue him.

    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    He is worried about the howling of the gibbons and if there harmful or not.

    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    He uses powerful adjectives and emphasises it to make it more clear.

    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    It might mean quick and professionally or thoroughly.

    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    She is an important character because she found the fresh water, fish and red bananas.

  5. Raihaan N.

    1.He mistakes the football for Stella.
    2. The seawater sends you mad if you drink it.
    3. He feels impatient and scared.
    4. He worries that nobody is on the island.
    5. He uses description of his emotions,powerful adjectives and figurative language.
    6. He means that he is climbing slowly and trying his best.
    7. Yes because she is a big thing to Michael and his family.

  6. James H.

    1) michaels ball distracted him.
    2) salt sends you mad when you drink it because human kidneys can only make urin less salt than salt water.
    3) he feels scared and terrified because he doesn’t know where he is and it is a big island so you could get lost in the jungle.
    4) Michael feels worried as he explores the island because he can hear jimpanzeas and other things.
    5) he used high level vocabulary.
    6) laborious means that it takes a long time for you to do.
    7)Stella is important because a dog is important and it can find you food and do other things.

  7. Elyas S.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael mistakes Stella for a football.

    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    If you drink salty water from the Ocean it makes you mad.

    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think feels very impatient and worried because he doesn’t want to stay on the island for another second.

    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    As Michael explores the island he is worried about the orang-utan and the Gibbons attacking and jump scare him.

    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    He uses the language to describe Michael’s terror by using powerful words so that the readers understand what the character is going through.

    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    He means that is takes a long time and you would have to be very patient about it.

    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    No, I don’t think Stella is an important character because she/he is not in every scene however Michael is.

  8. Muhammad S.

    1)Michaels dog was misunderstood as Eddies football
    2)rockpool water makes you go mad.
    3)Nervous as they might not be coming
    4)That he may die of thirst or hunger

  9. 1. His football .
    2. Rockpool water makes you go mad.
    3. I think he felt nervwrecking in case rescue does not come.
    4. He might be worried about the upcoming events that could occur that might be pessimistic .
    5. He used powerful adjectives to describe the frightening scene.
    6. He was basically being careful whilst climbing because he was taking his time .
    7. I think Stella is an important character in the story as she’s his onl6 company throughout the survival besides Kensuke .

  10. 1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael mistakes Stella Artois for a football that he saw bobbing up and down in the ocean and the football was a gift from one of his best friends named Eddie And it had Eddies signature all over the ball with black marker so that’s how Michael mistakes it for Stella.
    2)What sends you mad if you drink it?
    Ocean water that has salt in it is supposed to drive you mad according to Michael and he found the salty water in the rocks.
    3)How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think Micheal feels confident that he will be rescued by his mother and his father that probably did not know that he went overboard the ship and his mother was not feeling well when he went overboard so I think that he knows that his mother will recover and then turn back to get him.
    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    He worries about ominous eyes that seem like they are always watching him and the howls of the gibbons and he worries about the food supply and drink supply.

  11. Ellie T.

    Kensuke kingdom chapter 4 questions
    1. The mistake he made for Stella was the football .
    2. The seawater in the rock pools .
    3. l think Michael feels nervous while getting rescued .
    4. He worried that there is no one there and he is in the dark .
    5. He uses figurative language a lot .
    6. It means he climbed carefully and took his time .
    7. l think Stella is important because Michael cares about her so much .

  12. Musab H.

    1)The foot ball
    2)The sea water
    3)Patient- waiting to be rescued.
    4) He is worried about there might be No one is in the island.
    5)Uses a range of figurative language
    6)It means a way that takes considerable time and effort.
    7)Stella is an important character because she means a lot to Michael.
    By Esra and Musab.

  13. Rasan M.

    1. He mistakes Stella for his football that he was given by Eddie Dodds.
    2. Salt water
    3. I think Michael feels worried as he hasn’t seen any signs of a boat or someone coming to rescue him.
    4. He worries about Stella as she would keep wondering off and sometimes wouldn’t come back to him.
    5. Michael Morpurgo uses language to show that Michael was scared with sentences that say he couldn’t move much or he would attract sharks and that he would keep talking to himself or sing songs to feel less lonely.
    6. He means that it takes a lot of time and effort to climb.
    7. She is because Michael was looking for her when she wasn’t near him which means that Stella may be very important later on in the story.

    By Rasan, Rida and Rahima

  14. Siddra K.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael mistakes Stella for a football
    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    Sea water as it contains a lot of salt
    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think Michael feels restless as he really wants to get saved
    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    Having food to eat as all the fruit on the trees are to high for him to reach
    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    He emphasised that he was stranded on an island all by himself
    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    That it took a lot of time for him to climb
    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    I think Stella is an important character because if it wasn’t for her Michael would of never found out that there was another person on the island.

  15. Harris B.

    1) football
    2) rock pool
    3) scared
    4) what is in the island
    5) he use description
    6) terrifying high.
    7) Yes because she need to be protected.

  16. Leyad R.

    With the football
    Sea water
    He starts a fire 🔥 so people see it
    The man arang-a tang (man)
    He means carefully
    Yes because he warns him about the man by barking

  17. Shabaz

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    Michael mistakes Stella as a football.
    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    If you had drank the water from the rock pool as it was salty.
    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think that Michael feels curious if his parents will realise that the had gone overboard.
    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    I think Michael worries about who and where this place is while exploring the island.
    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    Michael Morpurgo uses figurative language and powerful adjectives.
    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    I think he means that he was taking a lot of time into climbing.
    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why
    I think that Stella is both important and not important character at the same time because he helped and frustrated the main character.

  18. Kia J.

    1) his football

    2) the sea water from the rock pool

    3) I think he is scared as he is close to death

  19. Roma M.

    1. The football ⚽️
    2. The sea 🌊
    3. I think impatient because he doesn’t want to die and he’s panicking 😨

    1. Roma M.

      4. He worried that no one will save him and it was dark and can’t see and was panicking.
      5. He uses a lot of figurative language to express his feelings.
      6. He meant that he climbed carefully and took his time.
      7. I think yes because he cares for her and it’s his dog and Stella been with her and had good times.

  20. Timothy C.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    He mistakes the football for Stella.
    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    The seawater in the rockpools.
    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?

    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?

    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?

    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?

    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?

    Will finish later….

    1. Timothy C.

      3) I think Micheal feels worried and some what courageous.
      4) Micheal worries about the fire while he is looking for more wood
      5)On one line “I hurried on, swallowing my fear as best as I could. I thought of the gibbons I had seen back in the zoo and tried to persuade myself how harmless they had looked. They’d leave us alone, they’d never attack us. They weren’t man-eaters.” It shows that Michael’s life flashed before his life because he has gulped several times which has shown regret or fear which in this case is fear.
      6)He uses the word laboriously(in a way that takes considerable time and effort.) because climbing can some times take time and use some stamina.
      7)I think Stella is an important character because she received the fact that a “Type of monkey” was in the forest which turned out to be a man.

  21. Aleena M.

    1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
    His football
    2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
    The sea water
    3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
    I think he is impatient because he doesn’t want to die.
    4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
    He worries that there is no one there on the island and that it is so dark.
    5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
    He uses a lot of figurative language to express Michaels feelings.
    6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
    He means that he climbed carefully and he took his time.
    7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
    I think Stella is important because of how much Michael cares about her.

    1. Sheima B.

      1) What does Michael mistake for Stella?
      A football.
      2) What sends you mad if you drink it?
      Salty sea water.
      3) How do you think Michael feels as he waits to be rescued?
      Really scared and wants to get it done quickly.
      4) What does Michael worry about as he explores the island?
      5) How does Michael Morpurgo use language to show Michael’s terror in the sea?
      He uses a lot of figurative language.
      6) Michael describes climbing “laboriously”. What does he mean?
      He means that he was scared to fall and climbed carfully.
      7) Do you think Stella is an important character? Why?
      Yes I think she is because she is Michaels dog and she finds the food and water.

      1. Sheima B.

        Sorry i didn’t mean to do it as a reply.

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