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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Citizenship ๐Ÿค

This week we looked at the theme of citizenship and how we use our school values in school.
Lets have a look at what we have been up to this week.


Communication and collaboration

We participated in yoga and meditation outside listening to our surroundings.

Kindness: Playing with others


2 responses to “Citizenship ๐Ÿค”

  1. Mustafa F.

    The citizenship lesson was so much fun. Mustafa

    1. Maryum N.

      Our citizenship was Respect and Tenacity and Kindness and support like communities and being courteous and good and nice to other people that fall down then you help them by getting hurt when someone pushes them over we help them like a good citizen and person because courteous means using manners like pleases and Thank
      Yous because our values they make us being Great broad heath citizens and you all try your best Because Respect and Tenacity is Really good like a better Brilliant citizen for everyone else in they get in danger or they get hurt or in a injury we help them up so they don’t get pushed because that might be on purpose or an accident because that’s okay because you say sorry.

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