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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

In Art and Design this half term, we are exploring the works of Andy Warhol, linking with our 1960’s History unit. As part of this, we will be studying everyday objects that we can transform into works of Art. To create our own individual pieces, we would like to invite the children to bring in to school an everyday object from home that they can study. It is important that this is a non perishable item (food, fresh flowers etc) and something that is not valuable, breakable or large. Some examples would be a small cuddly toy, food tin, drinks bottle, a candle, an artificial flower, a small plastic figurine.

We also request that children bring in a plain white T-shirt that is named. These will be Tie-Dyed. This will be used to provide the children with the skill and experience of Tie-Dying. The children will then be able to wear these as part of their costume on 1960’s day later this half term.

Could these two items please be brought into school no later than Wednesday 21st September 2022. We thank you for your support with this, and look forward to sharing our Art and Design with you at the end of the half term! 

7 responses to “Year 5 Art and Design”

  1. Romeesa T.

    Ok Mrs Street .

  2. Ghazala H.

    Do you wear you school clothes

  3. Yahya S.

    Thank you for the information

  4. Noor A.

    Can it be a spare school t-shirt

    1. Head Teacher

      You need a plain tee-shirt to dye.

  5. Malachy B.

    im geting one

  6. Zahraa Y.

    Ok I will try to find white T-shirts

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