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Year 1 Week 2 Homework (23/09/2022)

Hi Year 1,

Please choose 2 of the homework activities to complete.


You will find your game on Education City. Use the same log in details as you use for the blog. It will be under the ‘Homework’ section.


You will find your game on Education City. Use the same log in details as you use for the blog. It will be under the ‘Homework’ section

WOW (Science)

Using your sense of hearing, how many different things can you hear on your walk? Write what you have heard in your homework book.


Handwriting homework
At the back of your homework books you will find there is a handwriting sheet. Please trace over the letters first and then have a go at writing them yourself.

18 responses to “Year 1 Week 2 Homework (23/09/2022)”

  1. Saliha K.

    Saliha completed her homework.

  2. Great O.

    Great has completed his Maths, English and his wow in his Homework book. He is also practising his spellings and writing.

  3. Marceline C.

    Marceline has completed her homework.

  4. Martyna Z.

    I have finished my homework.I have practiced my reading and writing.

  5. Hosanna N.

    Hosanna has completed her homework Maths , English .Wow work is on her yellow homework book.She has also done her spelling week3.
    The homework has been sent via email.
    Thank you

  6. Ziad H.

    I completed the Maths and English games in Education City. I scored 100% on both.

  7. Kai D.

    Kai has done week two homework on education city. and week three homework inside his homework book. Also, on a walk outside, Kai could hear different things such as: birds, cars and buses. Kai is still practicing reading challenges on the blog and his handwriting at home.

  8. Shreya S.

    Shreya heard cars going, blowing wind sound and she finished her homework.

  9. Rabia S.

    I have done the homework on education city.
    i have practiced my spelling :)

  10. Oliwia B.

    I have finished my homework.

  11. Oscar R.

    Oscar has completed his homework

  12. Iyla H.

    iyla has completed her homework!

  13. Rayyan R.

    Rayyan has scored 100% in games.The wow challenge has been completed in his homework book.

    1. Mrs Mattu

      Perfect scores Rayyan. Well done. Can’t wait to see your Wow work! 😊

  14. Rishaan C.

    I have done 2 of the 3 homework task.

    1. Mrs Mattu

      Well done Superstar. Remember to practice your spelling too. 😊

  15. Amelia B.

    Amelia has completed her homework.

    1. Mrs Mattu

      Excellent Amelia. Make sure you practice your spelling too. 😊

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