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4 Red : Geography -Volcanoes

This week in Geography the children have been learning about how volcanos and how they are naturally formed. They have also looked at what triggers a volcano and what happens during an eruption. They have also thought about the after effect and how it leaves devastation to surrounding area. 🌋

Can you explain what is magna and how is it formed?

How is a volcano formed. Explain the process.

3 responses to “4 Red : Geography -Volcanoes”

  1. Meena B.

    What is magma and how is ,it formed?
    Manama is hot fluid below or within the earth’s crust from which lava and other rocks is formed on cooling.
    Magma is formed when the temperatures within the earth’s crust or mantle is very hot.
    How is a volcano formed?
    Magma rises from the hot spots and erupts as lava through cracks in the earth’s surface forming volcanoes.
    As a plate moves slowly across a very hot spot, a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands can form.

  2. Ramandeep K.

    Can you explain what is magna and how is it formed?
    Magma is a Molten, or hot liquefied, rock located deep below the Earth’s surface this is called magma.Magma is formed when temperatures within Earth’s crust or mantle are very hot.

    1. Ramandeep K.


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