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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello year 2. Here is your final homework for this half term. Don’t forget to practise your spellings and writing.

75 responses to “Y2 Homework – Week 5”

  1. Orevaoghene O.

    beautiful Bird
    Orange crab
    Blue sky
    Big light house

  2. Khadija B.

    fast fish
    icy ice cream
    sunny seaside
    scratchy sand
    delicious drink
    cold can
    big bag
    wavy water

  3. Evie T.

    Evie has completed all her homework. Literacy completed in her homework book. Maths challenge completed, number bonds to 20.Evie has made her healthy meal plate and labelled the food items. Evie had so much fun talking about the different types of food and what types of food groups there are, protein, carbohydrates and vegetables.

  4. Sara H.

    hot horses
    soft sand
    wavy water
    round rocks
    tasty treats
    sunny sky
    stinky seagulls
    fast fish
    windy weather
    creepy crabs

    r1: 12/15
    r2: 6/10
    r3: 4/7
    r4: 10/11
    r5: 7/7

    Healthy meal drawn in homework book.

  5. Sulaiman A.

    Highest score 15.
    Golden sand
    Shiny shells
    Sunny beach
    Lighthouse leaping
    Beautiful sea

  6. Dominik B.

    Dominik’s highest score was 23 .
    He has done his seaside homework in his homework book .

  7. Ella K.

    It was a grate day and we stamped in the soft sand .
    It was a nice weather.
    We ate a nice scrum chis lunch

    1. Mrs Browning

      Ella, this wasn’t the Literacy task you were set. You needed to use alliteration… here are some examples:
      Beautiful Beach
      Large Lighthouse
      Dancing Donkeys
      Please try again.
      Have you completed your Maths or WoW homework?

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