5Reds Spectacular Space Center

Today we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the National Space Center in Leicester. The children in 5Red were fascinated by the revels of Space and Our Solar System.
Here are some of our great adventures around the Center.

Now answer these questions…

  • What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
  • What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
  • What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
  • What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?

16 responses to “5Reds Spectacular Space Center”

  1. Ali A.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    The dangers within space is that if you are not trained professionally then you can get really nauseous due to the no gravity in space.
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    It takes 11.84 Earth years to rotate around the Earth.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    She use oxygen ,heat and a liquid (chlorine)
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The sun because it is the largest planet in space.

  2. Minaal A.

    what dangers are there for astronouts within space?
    one danger is that you have to be fully rained to fly a rocket because if your not fully trained and your in space the most dangerous part would be to land it carefully.
    what facinating fact did you fin out about jupiter?
    jupiter is the 5 planet from our sun and is by far its the largest planet in the solar system.
    what chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    the chemical science lady used oxeygen,fuel and heat.
    what can of baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    it is the largest so if its large then it will be heavy.

    I really enjoyed the trip and i hope we can have more fun trips like this.
    THANK YOU somuch for letting us go on a trip.

  3. Kirtan P.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    Vacuum of space
    Space junk
    Bone loss
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    It takes 11.84 (Earth years) to rotate around the sun.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    For the explosions she used fizz tablets and water. For the horizontal launch she used chlorine, air and fire.
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The sun because the gravity is the strongest. Pluto was the weakest because it is the smallest.

  4. Ahmed B.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    Because it’s freezing in space
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    That Saturn rains diamonds
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    She used oxygen heat and fuel
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The suns can of beans because the sun is the biggest

  5. Umar S.

    The danger is that your heart starts pumping slowly.It is the biggest planet in the solar systematically.Oxygen, heat and fuel.Sun because it is the biggest in the solar system

  6. Jensen C.

    Jensen and Tyson
    2 types of radiation one fry’s you and one mutates or destroys DNA
    Extreme Temperatures
    Space vacuum
    Space junk and asteroids.

    Jupiter is the second most heaviest planet in space.
    Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is a storm that has lasted 100’s of years.

    The baked bean can on the sun was the heaviest* because of its gravitational pull (sphere of influence)

    *it would also melt on the sun.

  7. Yaseen E.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    There heart will stop moving fast and there bones will lose there calcium.
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    Jupiter is almost as big as the sun.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    Oxygen,fuel and heat to make an explosion.
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The sun because it was the biggest planet in the solar system

  8. Ismael K.

    1.they need to have lots of fuel in space.
    2.Jupiter is second biggest planet.
    3.oxygen,fuel,heat and fire.
    4.The sun because it’s the biggest.

  9. Umama H.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    It can be too hot but also too cold.
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    That the can on the planet Jupiter was the 2nd heaviest.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    Oxygen,fuel and heat
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The can on sin was the heaviest because it is the largest out of all planets.

  10. Sumaya S.

    That could get really il a de when you come back you will start faiting
    Jupiter is the biggest planet and Hevest planet ande sateren is the next biggest
    Heat fuel
    Beacause the sun is the largest and the hottest

  11. Hasbia D.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    It could be too hot for them.
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    Jupiter is the second most heaviest planet.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    She used oxygen, heat and fuel.
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The heaviest Baked Bean can was the sun because it is the largest.

  12. Romeesa T.

    The danger in space is the bone fizz away they do 2 and half hours exercise . Jupiter is the 2 heaviest Baked bean and 118.6 Earth years . The kind rocket lady put oxygen ,heat and fuel.
    The first heaviest is the Sun because it would melt ,Jupiter is the second heaviest because it the second biggest plant and Saturn because it is the third biggest and the third hards .
    It was so much fun for our first trip.
    I love the everything .

  13. Eman A.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    in space it is very hot but also very cold
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    Jupiter is the 2 heviest planet
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    she used oxygen heat and fuel
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The Sun’s can of beans because if it’s the largest it will be the heaviest.

  14. Bakary C.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space?
    The dangers within space is you can float away if you lose your connector. You can get hit by radiant particles. There is no oxengen in space leading you to die if you don’t have the right suit and have to be fully trained because it can make you sick.

    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    I learned that Jupiter is the largest planet if the sun wasn’t included .It is also the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.

    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    She used gasoline,air,oxygen.Then she made a flamethrower go into a colourful flames and a bottle go horizontal.

    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The Sun is the heaviest planet because is the biggest than Jupiter than Saturn.

    A fact is than the sun is hotter when its summer and not as hot when its winter.

  15. Sania K.

    What dangers are there for Astronauts within space
    One danger is that you have to at least do 2 and a half hours of exercise in space .
    What fascinating fact did you find out about Jupiter?
    A fascinating fact I found out about Jupiter was that it was the second most heaviest.
    What chemical did the rocket science lady use to make explosions?
    The chemical the lady used was heat , fuel and oxygen.
    What can of Baked beans was the heaviest and why?
    The Sun’s can of naked beans because if it’s the largest it will be the heaviest.
    I really like today it’s was fun first trip in year 5 hope there is more to come !

    1. Sania K.

      Another danger is it can get way to got in morning and way to cold at night .

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