E.ON Power your world workshop- 5 White

Our workshop today was to learn all about energy, sustainable energy and how we can save energy.

We carried out a task to order power usage of household items smallest to largest. Our next task was to design a wind turbine using paper. Choosing a name for each group we tested our turbines using a fan as wind power and a volt meter to tell us how much energy is generated.

What is the definition of an engineer?
What is the national grid?
What is kinetic energy?
Where would you usually find wind turbines and why?
How can you save energy on a daily basis?

4 responses to “E.ON Power your world workshop- 5 White”

  1. Markuss B.

    An engineer is a person who solves problems in builds.
    The national grid is network of high voltage power lines.
    Kendrick energy is energy cause by rubbing two items together.
    Turbines are in the non populated areas because if it was next to a house I would not let any air into the house.
    I can save energy by turning of what you aren’t using.

  2. Kamil N.

    I had the best day in school

  3. Sameeha A.

    What is the definition of an engineer?
    A practical problem solver.
    What is the national grid?
    National Grid is one of the world’s largest publicly listed utilities focused on transmission and distribution of electricity and gas.
    What is kinetic energy?
    Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion.
    Where would you usually find wind turbines and why?
    You find wind turbines on top of a mountain or in an otherwise windy place so that the wind turbines can spin faster.
    How can you save energy on a daily basis?
    By turning off the lights when you do not need them or have less screen time.

  4. Tipian I.

    This was an amazing day planned thank you so much for this wonderful time with the two experts and again thank you.

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