What have we been up to in RW this week?

Our new topic for this half term is โ€˜Fantastic Lightsโ€™ where we will be learning about dark and light, seasonal changes and celebrations. We will also continue with our PSHE work and focus on โ€˜Getting Onโ€™.๐Ÿ˜Š

Communication and Language- To describe different textures and use new vocabulary.

Literacy- To sequence key parts of a story and write a simple caption to match an image.

To read letters by sounding out and blend sounds into words.

Basic Skills – To develop pre handwriting patterns.

To form numbers 1 to 5 correctly.

To write my name.

Maths – To subitise arrangements up to 3, to subitise auditory patterns up to 3, to show small quantities on their fingers, use positional language to describe patterns of 4.

To recognise circles and squares.

Understanding of the worldTo explore new foods produced on a farm. To choose a favourite and explain why.

PSED/SEAL– To talk about being a good friend.

Expressive Art/Design– To engage in music making.

SMSC-To know what special times people celebrate.

PSED– To know the importance of washing our hands properly. To understand how to wash hands correctly.

2 responses to “What have we been up to in RW this week?”

  1. Tamarah A.

    Was a lovely week of lots to learn.

  2. Saladin M.

    Wow amazing week with a lots of learning as always.
    Thank you teachers for such learning fun.

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