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Year 6 – Arty’s Broken Heart 💔

Today, we started our new Science unit by looking at how the heart and circulatory system functions. We identified all the parts of the heart and created a circulatory system to show how the blood flows through the heart. Looking at the pictures below can you describe the journey of how the blood circulates around the heart?

8 responses to “Year 6 – Arty’s Broken Heart 💔”

  1. Maryam G.

    Firstly the blood travels through to the right atrium, then onto the right ventricle, travels all along to the lungs where it can get oxygen , and then passes onto the left atrium which leads onto the left ventricle. After this, it leaves the heart and now it is filled with oxygenated blood. Then the cycle starts all over again.

  2. Aisha R.

    Firstly, blood flows into the right atrium, continuing it’s journey into the right ventricle. So the blood will be oxygenated, the blood passes through it’s lungs. After collecting oxygen, the blood then flows into the left atrium, then entering into the left ventricle. Then after exiting the heart, it floods through the body giving oxygenated blood. Then the cycle starts all over again.

  3. Ismaeel K.

    Looking at the pictures below can you describe the journey of how the blood circulates around the heart?
    1- Right atrium
    2- Lungs
    3- Right ventricle
    4- Left atrium
    5- Left ventricle
    6- body
    7- this process starts all over again.

  4. Samik S.

    This was so fun to do!
    The blood first starts at the right atrium. It then moves on to the right ventricle. Followed by this, it goes to the lungs. After that, it goes to the left atrium. Then it is sent to the left ventricle and finally this process repeats on and on.

  5. Nihit N.

    First, the deoxygenated blood goes to the atrium and continues to the right ventricle which are chambers in the heart. Then the blood goes to the lungs to get oxygen and become oxygenated blood, and straight after goes back to the heart in the left ventricle and the left atrium and repeats. There are two loops in the circulatory system, so the second loop does the same except it goes around the body to keep it functioning.

  6. Lawy A.

    Looking at the pictures below can you describe the journey of how the blood circulates around the heart?
    1- Right atrium
    2- Right ventricle
    3- Lungs
    4- Left atrium
    5- Left ventricle
    6- body
    7- starts all over again.

  7. Luxor A.

    To start things off this whole loop hole system is called a circulatory system, and it is how blood travels around our body.
    First, the red blood cells go to the right atrium.
    Secondly, they go travel to the right ventricle
    Thirdly, they pass through the lungs
    The cycle starts again on the left
    Fourthly, after the lungs The blood cells end up in the left atrium.
    Then,they go to left ventricle.
    Finally,the oxygen come in and it starts again.

  8. Sumayyah A.

    Firstly, it goes to the right atrium and then goes to the right ventricle and travels through to the lungs then it goes to the left atrium then the left ventricle then it goes to the heart and does that process again. This is the circulatory system.

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