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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Today, we did activities to help us better understand factors and prime numbers.

What is a prime number?

What is a composite number?

What is a factor?

18 responses to “Active Maths in Year 5”

  1. Xlexben F.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number is when you can only times it by 1.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is an integer a whole number that divides into a a different number.
    What is a composite number
    A composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors .

  2. Yunus R.

    1 A prime number is a factor of 1 its self
    2 I has even more than two factor composite number
    The number that it will multiple by one and it self

  3. Maryam N.

    A prime number is a number that it’s only factors of 1 and itself.
    A composite number is a number with 2 or more factors.
    A factor is a number that is divisible by another number.


  4. Ibrahim M.

    1) A prime number is a number that only has 2 factors.

    2) A composite number is a number that has 2 or more factors.

    3) A factor is a number that is divisible by another number, (e.g a factor of 12 is 6 because 12/6 = 2.)

  5. Ismael K.

    A prime number is a number what has 1 factor
    A composite has more than 2 factors

  6. Elham S.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number is a number that has 2 factors.
    What is a composite number?
    A composite number is that has more than 2 factors.

  7. Retaj I.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number means a number that only has 2 factors which are 1 and itself.
    What is a composite number?
    A composite number means a number that has more than 2 factors.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is a number that when you times it by another factor it makes a multiple.

  8. Hasbia D.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number is a number which is divisible by one and itself.
    What is a composite number?
    A composite number is the opposite of a prime number. It is a number which has factors other than one and itself.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is a number which divides by another number, without leaving a remainder.

  9. Umama H.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime nuber is a number that is in it’s own times table and the 1 times table
    What is a composite number?
    It has more than two factors.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is a multiply question that has 2 numbers that make one for example 6×6=36 the factor is 6.

  10. Ibraheem S.

    A prime number is a number which can only be times by itself and 1. A composite number ia a number that has more than two factos.. A factor is a number that can divide into more than 1 factor.

  11. Sania K.

    What is a prime number ?
    A prime number is a number that comes only in two times table and they are one and itself
    What is a a composite number .
    A composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors so that means it can’t be a prime number.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is a whole number that divides to a another number .

  12. Miski M.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself.
    What is a composite number?
    A composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is an integer (a whole number) that divides into a a different number.

  13. Tipian I.

    1.A prime number is a number that only has 2 factors.
    2.A composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors.
    3.A factor is a number that divides into another number leaving no reminder

  14. Mohammed S.

    What is a prime number?
    A prime number is a number that only has 2 factors.
    These 2 factors are 1 and its-self.
    For Example:
    126-The only factors of this number is 1 and 126.
    What is a composite number?
    A composite number is a number that has more than 2 factors.
    What is a factor?
    A factor is an integer that divides into a a different number.
    1 is a weird number because it is not a composite of prime number because its only factor is 1.

  15. Haroon K.

    What is a prime number?
    It can be only divide by 1 and itself.
    What is a composite number?
    It has more than 3 factors
    What is a factor?
    A number that divides into another number

  16. Zahraa Y.

    A prime number is with only 2 factors one and itself for an example 2 the only even number and it only is a factor of 1 and 2.
    Composite numbers are numbers that has more then 2 factors(Also known as Non-prime numbers) for example 10 not only is it in 1 and 10 but also 2×5=10 so tens factors are 1,10,2 and 5.
    Factors are numbers that is a multiple of only one and itself.

  17. Saffa M.

    a prime number is a number that only has two factors one and it’s self
    a composite number is a number that has more than two factors
    a factor is a number that makes up the question like 2×5=10 5 and 2 are the factors because they build up the question and the answer

  18. Romeesa T.

    What is a prime number? A prime number is a factors of 1 and it self.What is a composite number?
    It has more than 2 factors in z composite numbers .
    What is a factor? A number that is mulitple by one and it self .

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