6 blue present medieval news reports!

This week in our English lesson, children worked in groups to present a Medieval news report. Using their role play skills they presented news reports as a journalist.

They have been looking at what makes a successful News Report. How loud must they speak? At what pace? The children were really hoping that they could look to the teachers for a fab example, but unfortunately, their video was AWFUL! 
How could they improve? (in the comments)?

6 blue then had their own go at presenting!

2 responses to “6 blue present medieval news reports!”

  1. Zaeem S.

    I think we all did a great job but it would be better if we looked at the camera and read it at the same time with some intonation.

  2. Nihit N.

    The groups1, 2 and 3 could look at the scripts less at some points and group 1 could do more hand gestures.

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