School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Jack and the Beanstalk in 4 Blue! 🌱

What a fabulous Jack and the Beanstalk inspired Book Week in 4B! On Monday, we started the day by watching a Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime. After this, we used drama by creating freeze frames to show how we inferred the Giants thoughts and feelings. 4B then discussed who they thought the villain in the story was and the majority said the Giant! They came to this conclusion because the Giant never invited Jack to his castle and Jack stole from him! We thought Jack owed the Giant an apology, so we wrote letters to the Giant to say sorry! To end the week, we created some beautiful art work using different tones and textures and wrote intrusions texts on how to climb a beanstalk carefully!

Please watch the video below that showcases our weeks learning.

What was your favourite part of book week?
Who do you think the villain in the story was? Why?
What are your top tips for climbing a beanstalk safely?

2 responses to “Jack and the Beanstalk in 4 Blue! 🌱”

  1. Khadijah M.

    1.) My favorite part of book 📚 week was watching the Jack and the beanstalk pantomime. This is because I enjoyed shouting out stuff 😆.

    2.) I think Jack is the villain. Although Jack is extremely poor, he was very wrong to steal the poor giants harp and hen. The giant must of felt very upset to have his belongings stolen. He must of worked very hard to get those expensive items. You should always treat people well and they will treat you well back.

    3.) My top tips are…
    ⭐️Make sure your hands are dry so that they do not slip.
    ⭐️Have shoes that have a good grip. This will help you when you are on a sturdy branch.
    ⭐️Have pads on your knees and elbows. This is good because, if you fall your knees and elbows will be protected!
    ⭐️Wear a helmet on your head! This is because if you fall, your head will be protected!
    ⭐️Wear gear to support you if you fall.
    ⭐️Have good clothes to help you to be safe!!!

  2. Myiesha S.

    My favourite part was when we were doing a talk show asking the giant some questions.
    I think the villian was jack because he stole the giants harp and hen so the Giant tried to scare him back.Make sure we should treat people the way we want to be treated.
    My top tips are…
    You should have…
    ⭐Dry hands.
    ⭐Clothes that protect your knees and arms.
    ⭐Pads(knee and elbow).
    ⭐Good grip shoes.
    ⭐Have a good grip on a sturdy branch.
    ⭐Bagpack to put in some stuff that could help you when you are hurt.

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