Don’t miss our latest newsletter!

We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Dear all,

We will be starting a club for families so that they can play games, do art, create things with their children at the school. The club is an opportunity to meet other families and is FREE. Food will also be available.

WE are also looking for some parent volunteers.If we have any parents who would like to come and help and paint our school bus then we would be very happy to welcome your support.


Please can you answer this email if you would like to attend . The Saturday Club will start on the 14th. You must register to attend with your family. Thanks.

62 responses to “Saturday Club”

  1. Ella K.

    Can Ella kamal come to the club this Saturday with her dad please. Thanks 😊

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes we start at 10.30 am via Hanford Close. There is swimming this week so she might want to do that.

      1. Ella K.

        Sorry Ella can’t come this Saturday.Thank you

  2. Serina I.

    I said that I will be coming a few weeks ago so basically am I registered or not

    1. Head Teacher

      Don’t be rude Serina please. Read the blog and follow the instructions.

  3. Adam D.

    Adam 4Blue 3 people 2 kids and 1 adult

  4. Adam D.

    Adam 4Blue 3 people

  5. Muhammad I.

    Thank you for telling us

  6. Evelinne M.

    I will like to come with nicolas and evelinne!

    1. Head Teacher

      Really sorry but we are full at the moment- if we get spaces I will let you know.

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