This week in Maths, the children looked at 2D and 3D shapes. They went on a shape hunt around school to look for different 2D and 3D shapes. They then, sorted 2D and 3D shapes and discussed some of their properties. The children, even created some wonderful repeating patterns using 2D and 3D shapes.
Have a look at the short clip below.

What is a 2D & 3D shape?
Name some shapes that have 4 sides?
Name a shape that has a straight and curved sides?
What is a repeating pattern?
Create a repeating shape pattern to win a prize on Monday. Don’t forget to comment on this blog.

8 responses to “1B- Shapes”

  1. Gaira M.

    1.-A 2D shape is flat and a 3D shape is fat.
    2.Rectangle and Square
    3.A circle has a Curved side and Square has a Straight side
    4. A Repeating Pattern is when you draw pattern again and again

  2. Aaron R.

    What is a 2D & 3D shape?
    2D shape is flat. 3D shape means it can stand up.
    Name some shapes that have 4 sides?
    Square, rectangle,
    Name a shape that has a straight and curved sides?
    A square has a straight side. A circle has a curved shape.
    What is a repeating pattern?
    It could be square, rectangle, square, rectangle.

  3. Ameya Ramdas

    What is a 2D & 3D shape?
    2D shapes are flat. 3D shapes are fat.
    Name some shapes that have 4 sides?
    Square, Rectangle and Rhombus
    Name a shape that has a straight and curved sides?
    A semi circle
    What is a repeating pattern?
    Shapes arranged in same order one after the other

  4. Ebrar Y.

    1-2d shape is flat
    3d shape is fat
    2-square, rectangle
    3- circle
    4-2 shapes coming again and again
    5-square and rectangle

  5. Ameera K.

    1. 2D shape is a flat shape
    3D- is aflat shape.
    2. Square, rectangle, diamond.
    3. Semicircle has straight and curved sides.
    4. Repeating pattern is when you are repeating the same shapes.

  6. Ayaad H.

    What is a 2D & 3D shape?
    Ayaad: 2D shapes are thin and 3D shapes are fat.
    Name some shapes that have 4 sides?
    Ayaad: rectangle and square.
    Name a shape that has a straight and curved sides?
    Ayaad: half circle.
    What is a repeating pattern?
    Ayaad: that are coming again and again.
    Create a repeating shape pattern
    Ayaad: circle triangle circle triangle circle.

  7. Adam K.

    2d shapes are flat and 3d shapes are are fat.
    Square and rectangle have 4 sides.
    Curved side shape is circle
    Straight side shape is square.
    Repeating pattern is when you copy the same pattern such as Adam gave example blue, red, blue, red.

    1. Adam K.

      Adam has completed repeated shaped pattern using objects and on paper using different coloured felt tips.

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