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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Individual Liberty

Everyone of us has the right to choose an action, follow a group ,say what they feel,BUT occasionally we make the wrong choices. If this happens we learn from them. Tell me how you have gained from a mistake.

32 responses to “Individual Liberty”

  1. Havin A.

    Sometimes I my shoe trips and the other person falls but I say I’m sooo sorry and say are you ok if she/he said no I take them to the first aid if they say yes I ask do you want to play with me

  2. Muhammad S.

    Once I tried to scare someone but accidentally made them fall, I said sorry. Now I am more careful when I scare people.

  3. Kevin R.

    I had once played a video game and made the wrong choice and shield surfed when my shield’s durability was low and it broke and I died and I won’t do it again.

  4. Kanishka P.

    When I make a mistake like I accidentally push someone I say sorry and make them laugh.I also play with them.

  5. Minnah M.

    I make every single person feel special when they have bad emotions bothering them

  6. Neda S.

    I sometimes accidentally make someone fall down because I’m running but I say sorry and take them to the teacher so the teacher can put a wet paper towel on where they got hurt and maybe play with them to make them happy 🌸😊🦋

  7. Emil D.

    I made a mistake before by almost being hit by truck but then I realised I didn’t look left and right now I always look left and right whenever I cross the road👍🏻

  8. Sumayyah A.

    I accidently make someone fall but I helped them up than made them laugh at home .

    1. Head Teacher

      That is an ace reaction!

  9. Brooke M.

    Sometimes I shout at my sister and to make up for it I say sorry I then use the value of kindness and play with her ,make her laugh and watch films with her.

  10. Awais J.

    Sometimes when I get angry, sometimes I hit my sister, but then I say sorry

    1. Head Teacher

      That is not good as a BH citizen we have kind hands and should not be hitting anyone .

  11. Ebunoluwa I.

    1.We should not hurt anybody
    2.Kind hands

  12. Eliza N.

    I made a mistake shouting at my best friend Ebun and made her cry but now I don’t shout at her and I make her laugh 👯‍♀️

    1. Head Teacher

      Keep making her laugh this is great.

  13. Alisha S.

    I made a mistake that I will never do again I was jumping on the trampoline in my garden then I twisted my leg cause i jumped to high 🤕

  14. Kaif B.

    I made a mistake by yelling at my younger brother but I have changed my mind and never yell at him again .

  15. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we shared the following:
    Adrian shared he once accidently hurt someone because he was playing rough. He did not mean to hurt them, however he didn’t like how it made him feel so he learnt to not play rough.
    Eva H accidently hurt her brother when she lost at a game she has since learnt not to get cross when the does not win.
    Yasmin has said when she has hurt somebody by accident she makes sure she says sorry.

    Many children spoke about how they have accidently hurt siblings or others when playing and that they have always apologised to make it better.

    We spoke with Miss Redhead and Miss Jephcott about some wrong choices they made when they were our age and they shared how they made it better and what they learnt from it. They shared they had to take responsibility because they did something wrong.

    The children spoke about how they will take responsibility for their mistakes in the future.
    We also spoke how bad choices can make us feel bad inside.

    1. Miss Vega

      In 6 White we discussed that every mistake is a learning opportunity. If we are learning what the wrong answer or the wrong method is (Serina gave the example of in algebra) then we know that next time, when we are approaching a similar challenge we have more direction and a better chance of getting something right.

      We linked this to our PSHE and how to handle situations, we further discussed that in year 6 we are at the age which is perfect for making mistakes and learning from them as it shapes who we grow up to be. Now the consequences are not as severe as they could be when we are older.

  16. Mr Mahmood

    2Blue understand that making lots of noise during learning time can take away precious minutes. They now know when to listen and when to talk.
    Zak – I made a mistake by getting out of my chair but now I don’t. I now put my hand up if I need help.
    Waniya – I used to shout out on the carpet, but now I put my hand up and wait.
    Some lovely ideas were shared as a class. 2Blue :)

  17. Mrs Latham

    A boy was annoying me so I tripped him over. Later on I felt guilty so I went and I apologised to him.

    A friend went to scare me so I went to scare them back and I accidentally hurt them. I felt guilty and apologised.

    We talked about choices and consequences.
    -5 White

  18. Mrs Khaliq

    As a class we have discussed how everyone makes mistakes but the important thing is that we learn from them.
    “I made a mistake by blaming someone else for something that I had done outside school. They found out the truth in the end. I learnt that honesty is the best policy.”
    “I punched the TV when I was angry. I had learnt that is ok to get angry but disrespecting and damaging things is not.I was very sorry for what I did and have never done it again.”

  19. Miss Woodman

    4 Blue had a very interesting talk about this topic.
    We discussed how we might hurt someone by accident and we learn to be more careful next time.
    Sometimes we make mistakes in a drawing or our schoolwork, from this we learned that things do not need to be perfect first time, but we can improve with practice.
    When we read new words, we don’t always know how to pronounce them, but if we slow down and take our time, we will get it right.
    We may need to ask for help to figure out how to fix our mistakes, this is okay and we should be brave enough to do it.

  20. Mr Rawlings

    Here are the ideas of 1 Red

    Hosanna – I wasn’t careful when playing with my little brother and I stood on his hand. Now I am more careful when playing with him.
    Oscar – I was playing football in my house and I broke a statue dog. Now I have learnt not to play football in my house.
    Hadi – I put milk in a plastic cup and put it in the microwave and when I went to take it out I hurt my hand.

  21. Mrs Raja-Khan

    When I hurt someone in the past, I know it was wrong and I changed my mind and have not done it again.

    Once I pushed someone in the sandbox and then I said “sorry” because I knew it was wrong.

    Once I pushed someone who broke my campfire and then I learned that I had to still be kind.

    A big smile from everyone in 1 Blue

  22. Mrs Langley

    Shivam – When I was playing with my balloon it popped. I have learnt to be gentle when playing with a balloon.

    Zubair – When I was playing with my baby I hurt him by mistake and he cried. I learnt to be a bit more careful.

    Anastazja – Sometimes I don’t draw a butterfly right. I know now to take my time.

    Tilly – When I was at home doing my Gruffalo writing I got my b mixed up with my d. I learnt not to rush. I need to take my time.

    We had lots of discussions in RW about different mistakes and how we have gained and learnt from them.

  23. Miss Sofeda

    RR comments-v We talked about mistakes that we make and how we can make better choices next time.

    Aaila- sometimes I am not good at waiting so i will try and wait more
    Umar- sometimes I can’t hang my coat up in the cloakroom. I will ask for help next time
    Adam A- on my birthday, my cousin lost my game and that made him cry, I said don’t worry.
    Mahid- sometimes i put my shoes on the wrong way, I will try and put it on the right way
    Safwan- sometimes I am not good at wearing my coat, I will try and practice.
    Esha- Sometimes I make mistake when counting and now i try to count.

  24. Sheik A.

    I remember when I made a mistake and I felt really bad I painted my volcano and I put too much paint on it and it ripped but now I’m improving a little bit and I started to be careful with paint…by marwah, i was playing with my friends and I was gonna tag someone and I realised that someone else was gonna tag him and I bump into him and I learnt to be careful while playing…by abtahe

  25. Mustafa A.

    I made a mistake in football by wearing grip shoes . Now I remember to wear my trainers.

  26. Muhammed K.

    I have made a mistake in handwriting when I didn’t join now l do

  27. Safa M.

    I have made a mistake when I was playing football then I wore my non griped shoes by accident and I kept slipping onto the ball but now I remember not to wear my non griped shoes but my griped ones .

    1. Head Teacher

      Interesting example- we also need to mindful that the wrong sort of footwear indoors can damage floors.

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