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4 Red DT-Bread making

This half term the children have been look around the world at various countries and what bread they make. Over the past couple of weeks, they have tasted, researched recipes, created their own little rolls and finally made them. Take a look at the video below.

Did you all enjoy your bread and is there anything that you would do to improve it?

8 responses to “4 Red DT-Bread making”

  1. Ramandeep K.

    I would improve my bread by making the shape pf the bread mote like a baguette.

  2. Zaynab M.

    I really enjoyed mines but I would change the shape iswell mines also turned out tastie when it was cooked is specially with
    the chocolate chips.

  3. Mohammed K.

    I can improve it by making it a different shape and put some more chocolate chips in it.It still tasted really nice.

  4. Alima S.

    I enjoyed making my bread i would like to improve it my design and shape.

  5. Zoe E.

    The chocolate bread was really good. I would like to improve the shape of the bread to make the shape look like a/or pretzel

  6. Khadeeja M.

    I enjoyed my bread and would like to improve it by adding the chocolate inside.

  7. Manha S.

    that was so fun making the bread and my bread turned out tasty

    1. Manha S.

      i would like not to improve anything

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