Dear Parents/Carers,

Next Tuesday (14th March), Year 5 will be walking to the Canal Basin in Coventry. This will be as part of our learning about rivers. We will leave school promptly after morning registers so please ensure your child is on time.

We will be back in school by lunchtime, so normal arrangements for lunch will continue on this day.

Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes and is appropriately dressed for the weather: Coat for poor weather and sun cream applied if sunny.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Year 5 team.

5 responses to “Year 5 Trip to Canal Basin”

  1. Sania K.

    Thank you for the information.

  2. Ibraheem S.

    Thank you for the information

  3. Tana I.

    Thank you for letting us know

  4. Mohammed W.

    Thanks for the information

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