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Reminder -Year 4’s Brazil Carnival Day- Thursday 30th March

On Thursday 30th March, Year 4 will be celebrating their learning about Brazil with a themed day linked to the country’s famous carnival culture.

For this day, we would love the children to come into school wearing a carnival or Brazilian themed costume.

We do not want you to purchase costumes if you do not want to, and instead encourage you to take inspiration from the images below.

Alternatively, the children come come to school dressed in yellow, green or black and make a mask or headdress to wear instead.

Below are some tutorials to help you get started.

15 responses to “Reminder -Year 4’s Brazil Carnival Day- Thursday 30th March”

  1. Irfa M.

    Are you allowed to wear a dress?

    1. Head Teacher

      yes you are…

  2. Bethany P.

    I cant wait for thursday i have a good outfit in mind!

  3. Nma M.

    Thank you for the information.

  4. Alzahra R.

    thank for information can I wear green dress and black pant because I don’t have Brazil costume

    1. Head Teacher

      Add some leaves to your outfit…use natural things or add leaves etc from cereal boxes.

    2. Alzahra R.

      or least black plan top and draw Brazil

  5. Khadijah M.

    Yay I’m so excited!

  6. Arifa H.

    Oooo I cant wait

  7. Arhan Sarkar

    Okay.Thanks for the information

  8. Alima S.

    Okay thank you for the information.

  9. Myiesha S.

    Is the carnival day next Thursday or the week after?

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Myiesha it’s on the 30th March which is the week after next.

      1. Myiesha S.

        Thanks for the reply.

  10. Afsa P.

    Am going to wear a green dress and black pants I am soooo exited

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