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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hi Year 5,

Here is your homework for the weekend. Please complete both challenges and your spelling words as a handwriting task.


To recall key mathematical vocabulary.  

Create flashcards or a poster to show the mathematical vocabulary from this half term. Show the definitions. Can you add pictures/diagrams to show the meanings?


Common denominator




Unit fraction

Non-unit fraction

Improper fraction

Mixed number


To complete a reading comprehension.  


Science:  To research habitats.  

Create a fact file about a habitat of your choice. Give examples of animals/plants which live there along with information about their life cycles. Focus on one animal within that habitat. 

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7 responses to “Year 5 Spring 2 Week 3 Homework”

  1. Bakary

    I did it in my home work book

  2. Ayaan M.

    Finished my homework and will bring it in on a Monday.

  3. Isah C.

    I did my homework and spelling in my homework book I did wow and maths

  4. Elyas A.

    I did my homwork maths and wow

  5. Tana I.

    I did my homework

  6. Tipian I.

    I will do my spellings at homework club

  7. Yad I.

    I have done maths and wow

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