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We share all the exciting events that took place last term and give you a sneak peek of what’s coming up.

School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

This morning, some talented Year 4 artists attended a ceramics workshop at Finham. The theme of the workshops, which have been funded by UNESCO, is “One Cup” and is focused on sustainability. The bowls which the children created will be fired in traditional wood-fired kilns in a forest near Oxford and will be sent to exhibitions in Japan and Paris before finally returning to Coventry!
The children were amazing! Such fantastic attitudes and behaviour. Well done, Broad Heath!

13 responses to “Year 4 ceramicists”

  1. Irfa M.

    All of that looks great keep up the wonderful talent you guys all ready have.

  2. Amelia A.

    The bowls look great! Keep it up everyone!👍

  3. Zaeem J.

    The bowls look amazing

  4. Adam D.

    They bowls look amazing the people who made them are really talented

  5. Arfa S.

    The bowls look great!!!

  6. Mrs Walker

    Wow!! Looks like you all had a great time. Love the bowls you made.

  7. Madeeha T.

    It was realy fun i wish we go to foxford to see them

  8. Myiesha S.

    Looks like you guys have been having a great time.

  9. Osas O.

    It was really fun making clay Japanese tea bowls. They represent peace and equality.

  10. Aaron G.

    This was soooooo fun!!! I wish we could do it again😀

  11. Yahya K.

    It was extremely fun and felt incredibly important.

  12. Mrs Khaliq

    Love all the smiling faces! Some very creative cups made, well done guys.

  13. Head Teacher

    Looks like everyone had a great morning- looked the work as well you did, very creative.

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