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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

As part of the summer fair, we are running a bottle and chocolate tombola. We are in need of donations to help stock the stalls. If you are able to, please could you send, to Y2, unopened bottles (shampoo, drinks) and chocolate. Many thanks

48 responses to “Year 2 Need Your Help”

  1. Maryum N.

    I love the chocolate I will bring shampoo and sweets for the people who are in need

  2. Tasneem S.

    Ooooh that looks so good I will try to bring some bottles

  3. Romeesa T.

    Thank for the information.

  4. Tala I.

    Thanks for the information ℹ️🏳️

  5. Adrian O.

    I might bring some bottles if my parents don’t throw them away.

  6. Simra S.

    Thankyou for information

  7. Muhammed H.

    It looks so yummy well are we allowed to eat it

  8. Maryam N.

    I might have some bottles if I have some😜

  9. Rubab G.

    I will help if I can.

  10. Joel G.

    Thank you for the information

  11. Safa S.

    Thank you for the all information.

  12. Olivier T.

    I really want to help year 2

    1. Ebenezer O.

      They look so nice I could eat all of it I will donate bottles if I have some

  13. Sheik A.

    Thank for information

  14. Janelle O.

    Thanks for the information.

  15. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I will help year 2 and chocolate two

  16. Muhammed K.

    Thanks for the information and I will bring
    Irfa yoshita Muhammad k

  17. Alzahra R.

    Thank for information

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