We have been learning to tell the time in Spanish in our lessons. Can you please write about what you like doing on a Saturday in Spanish at various times during the day. When you finish please create a word bank for the piece of work.

92 responses to “Year 6 – Weekend Diary”

  1. Mrs Kiani

    I have really enjoyed reading about your weekend routines! Well done to all those children who followed the given model. I kept it simple, so please don’t over complicate. Those children who used Google Translate for whole paragraphs of writing did to follow the main teach. Spanish dictionaries and Google translate were only to be used to find out the meanings of certain words, not complete paragraphs. Please follow instructions to the best of your ability in the future, it will support your learning. Once again, well done to those he did follow the required format!

  2. Mohammed W.

    A las siete de la mañana, me despierto.
    A las ocho de la mañana,me gusta desayunar.
    A las diez de la mañana, me gusta la nataciòn.
    A las once y media de la mañana, me gusta .
    A las uni de la tarde,me gusta ver la tele.

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