Year 3 Trip arrival to Hanford Close estimated at 5:00PM

Mrs Morris has said all the  children are fine, up early for a day of fun. Everyone excited and raring to go. The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

6 responses to “Doly Moch Update”

  1. Havin A.

    What is a Dolly Moch

    1. Head Teacher

      It is a centre where Y6 children go and have fun for a few days.

  2. Ramarni J.

    Hope you all having a wonderful time
    Miss you lots Ravi

  3. Bolu

    Ebun is missing you so much Bolu.

  4. Harroop S.

    Harroop’s siblings are keep asking for their ‘Veer g’

  5. Harroop S.

    Thank you for the update.

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