
End of autumn term in Reception Red

We have had a fantastic final week of term. Our week started with a mysterious beanstalk in our classroom! We shared the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and all of our learning this week has been centred around this magical fairy tale. Please look at our super learning and leave a comment to explain your favourite part of the week.

Communication and Language/Expressive Arts and Design-To create puppets to re-tell a story

Literacy – To use adjectives to describe the giant.

To write a series of simple sentences

Maths – To create a magical bean pattern

Expressive Arts and Design – To create an imaginary castle in the sky

Understanding of the World – To draw and label the parts of a bean plant

Expressive Art and Design/Understanding of the World – To create a map to show Jack’s world

Our beautiful Christmas cards

One response to “End of autumn term in Reception Red”

  1. Mithunshan R.

    Well Done children. He enjoyed all these and his favourite was magical bean pattern

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