First Pen Licenses in 4 Blue! ✍️

Remember that to get your pen license, you need to write with neat, joined writing in all your books. Many of you are very close – we hope to give out more pens soon!

6 responses to “First Pen Licenses in 4 Blue! ✍️”

  1. Fatima S.

    Good job Adnan Toleen Minnah Chavi And Ebun

  2. Minnah M.


  3. Gift O.

    Well done Adnan Toleen Minnah Chavi and Ebun.

  4. Mrs Khaliq

    Congratulations to everyone who received a pen. I know there are so many more of you who are nearly there so keep going!

  5. Eesaa A.

    Well done for getting pen 🖊️ license
    Hopefully I get it soon

  6. Musa B.

    Good job Adnan Toleen Minnah Chavi and Ebun

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