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Flame of Friendship Festival 2024

On Monday 8th July a group of sports leaders from year 5 will be representing the school at the Flame of Friendship festival at Warwick University. This is a culmination of the journey of the Flame of Friendship which has been travelling to all the schools in Coventry as part of the city’s celebrations for the Paris Olympiad. Our students, as well as students from schools across the city will be taking part in the festival and ceremony. The students who have been selected to represent the school are as follows;

5 Blue – Sara, Adam, Aryan, Mo, Diyashini 

5 Red – Ahmed, Amelia, Minhaj, Walet, Yoshita 

5 White – Amelia, Zoe, Keaton, Emmanuel 

We have been asked to wear “colourful clothing” so pupils can come to school wearing what ever they like so long as it is colourful and they are able to be active (no sandals please!). We hope the group have an excellent day and enjoy the celebration.

3 responses to “Flame of Friendship Festival 2024”

  1. Keaton O.

    I got a question is it going to be all day

  2. Mopelola L.

    Yay! I get to miss school!! I’m so excited.
    What time is it?

  3. Bethany P.

    are the sports leaders picked or are there all of them because im a sports leader.

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