Individual Liberty

Everyone has the right to speak freely. Words however can have consequences if not well thought or spoken. So, which school rules are fair and are there any things you would change?

110 responses to “Individual Liberty”

  1. Muhammad D.

    The school rules is fair because if they weren’t followed people would be bad.

  2. Eesaa A.

    I think all of the rules are good but I think the adventure playground could be changed.There could be a swing for 4 people.

  3. Hussein H.

    If we didn’t have rules we would go wild.

  4. Delilah R.

    i think that all the rules are fair but these can keep us from getting in trouble are honest,respect ,empathy and indvaulity because we need to respect all peopole ,and equipment .

  5. Hussein H.

    I think all rules are fair because they bring respect to our school and they teach us how to be respectful to each other.

  6. Ramandeep K.

    We think that everyone has the right to speak freely but you don’t have a right to say something rude. The school that we think are fair are:
    Kind hands, mouths and feet
    Stop look and listen
    We also think that putting your hands up is a fair school rule because if we all shout at the same time no one will understand what we are trying to say.
    We think that we should not change any of the school rule because we think that this school is fair and perfect in every way.
    Amirah and Ramandeep.

  7. Havin A.

    I don’t think we should change school rules I think we should add school rules😆

  8. Rexford A.

    I would change nothing because the school is beautiful the way it is.

    1. Rexford A.

      I’ll change one rule that we’ll need more fantastic teachers they are amazing!

  9. Safa M.

    I think that they are fair because they show you how to be like a great role model with kindness and respect

  10. Xavier M.

    For my opinion school rules are fair the only thing I would change is to have cricket behind the whether pitch.

  11. Sumayyah A.

    I think all of the school rules are fair because if we don’t have these rules than people will just be naughty. I think these rules are good. There rules including stop look and listen and respect for all things ,do the best you can it courages people to be positive and listen.

  12. Aaron G.

    The school rules that is fair is honesty and respect because it is nice to hear people out and these values show what I mean.

  13. Meena B.

    I would like to have a swing and a bigger playground outside.
    Also I will like at least 6 playgrounds for each class and I will like 2 hours of playtime. I would like to have chocolate for my desert.

  14. Anaya R.

    I want to add a swing in the playground.
    I would like more playtime.
    I would like chocolate for dessert.

  15. Amirah T.

    I think that the school rules are fair. The examples of fair school rules are below:
    Having kind hands and feet.
    Respecting everyone.
    Do not shout.
    Last but not least, I think that putting your hand up is fine, even though we all have to freedom to speak freely, because if we all speak a once, no one can hear the first person to talk.
    I think the school rules are perfect because if we keep this up, there will be no bullies at this school! Maybe even the whole world!

  16. Hamsia D.

    We can all speak free but if we think something about other people we can’t say because they will get upset. We need to speak to everyone respectfully.

  17. Ramandeep K.

    I think the school rules that are fair are to speak respectfully to others around you. To be kind and use kind hands. I think all the school values are fair.

  18. Mohammed K.

    Respect and I would change that is no one is allowed to say bad words.All of the school are fair.

  19. Adam O.

    I think you need to speak respectful because it is someone’s opinion so it’s your decision.

  20. Miss Redhead

    3 White have thought about all 5 rules and we think that they are fair. The 5 rules cover all areas of our learning. We should be listening as that rule one and rule 5 means we need to listen too.
    We think it needs to be clearer about keeping hands to yourself, although respect and care for all things means that we should do this, if you did not understand the phrase you might not know to keep your hands to yourself.
    We like the rules but they could be written in a more simplified way
    1) Stop, look and listen please we would keep the same.
    2) We would change to respect and care for things to: Use kind hands, kind feet and kind mouths to everyone and everything.
    3)To give of your best – we would keep this the same.
    4) Speak to everybody respectfully. We would change this to No foul mouths or language.
    5) To follow instructions to the best of you ability we would keep this one.

  21. Mrs Latham

    We discussed how all 5 rules are important when considering how to speak respectfully and treat others with respect and care. We feel the school rules are useful to help us understand how we should behave as BH citizens.
    -4 Blue

  22. Eesa F.

    All of it is fair because each one show a value like kindness , respect , trying your best , respect thing and person and helping people.

  23. Aleena M.

    I think one thing we can change in the school values is independence as sometimes you need a bit of help from someone.

    Aleena and Merab 😀

  24. Rahima J.

    All rules are fair and I think that we shouldn’t change any values because I think that they are all great.

  25. Siddra K.

    The value teamwork is fair because in a group project everyone helps out with the task so it’s a team effort!

  26. Danyaal H.

    I would not change the school rules since they are fair and they apply for everyone.

  27. Harris B.

    I can be careful not to get in trouble.

  28. Leyad R.

    I would not change them as the 4th rule is to ‘speak to everyone respectfully’ and even if you are being made fun of you should speak to them carefully or you could get the blame and get in trouble. Also it is best to speak to a teacher to avoid getting in trouble

  29. Ellie T.

    l think the rules are all fair because there telling us to be respectfully not rude and telling us to look after our equipment.


    l would not change no rules because they are fair and equal and show respect to the school .

    Shared comment : ellie and Alisha

  30. Shabaz

    In my opinion, I think that all of the school rules are fair as it ensures our safety and how we treat our equipment.

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