As part our our STEM project this week, Year 6 prepared and samples a savoury dish, a sweet dish and a hot drink, which could potentially be sold in their new cafe at the top of Thorpes’s Cloud in Dovedale.
The children worked really hard to prepare hot chocolate, a pasta salad and rock cakes.
Whilst preparing the dishes, we also spoke about the science involved in cooking.
Needless to say, we all had a great morning – and the best part of it all was sampling our products!

Rock Cakes!

Hot Chocolate

Pasta salad 🥗

11 responses to “Meal Prep in Year 6”

  1. Safa A.

    Looks good

  2. Adam J.

    Wow it looks great I wish I could have some

  3. Rir K.

    Thank you the food was Very nice 👍

  4. Hudayifah A.

    Thank you for the activities I have learnt a lot and the food was very yummy!

  5. Ammara K.

    Thank you it was very fun

  6. Ibrahim M.

    I liked making all of these foods and drinking the hot chocolate

  7. Najma O.

    Thank you for baking in school I am so grateful.

  8. Zahra D.

    It was so fun making these

    Sarah, Zahra D

  9. Mrs Davison

    Wow, it looks like you had lots of fun year 6! I loved coming to see your cafes – they are incredible! What was the most important thing you learnt during STEAM week?

  10. Tipian I.

    Thank you for this opportunity of baking in school
    I really appreciate that the staff let us bake out of their time and money.
    Thank you for trusting 93 people near heat , hot water and flour ( because of the carpet) and I’ll hope we will do these things further on .

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