This half term their will be a year 3 Girls Football Club on Mondays after school. The sessions will run on Monday 13th, 20th and 27th November, 4th and 11th December from 3:15 and will run until 3:55. Collection will be at the Webster park gate. This is open to any girl in year 3 to attend this club, where we will be practicing our football skills as well as playing some games. We have previously had great numbers from these year groups so their will be a cap of 15 students on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to take part in the club, please sign up using the form below.

It would be great to see as many as pupils as possible, and if you have any questions please as myself or class staff to pass a message.

4 responses to “Monday Y3 Girls Football Club”

  1. Kayla P.

    Please can I join Mr rulings I really want to.

  2. Waniya Z.

    Can i join mrs Shilton and Mr rolling

  3. Jasmine P.


  4. Latifa A.

    could I join Mr rulings I really want to.

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