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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hi Year 5,

This week we had our first Guiding Reading sessions. There were two sessions and all of you did extremely well. You answered questions clearly and made assumptions about the characters and settings. The groups are divided into two and below are the relevant questions for each book you are reading.

The following children: Aaminah, Nihit, Fatimah, Aisha, Safiyah, Surinder, Shahzad and Simin please upload your answers to the Share point below. Please do not answer on the blog. Just leave a comment to say you have completed the work and sent it.

The London Eye Mystery Questions

  1. On what date and what time did Salim board the London Eye?
  2. What 2 London landmarks does Ted mention?
  3. Do you believe Salim ran away and was kidnapped or was he just lost?
  4. What in the text makes you think this?
  5. What is the theme of the London Eye Mystery?

Vocabulary Work

  1. What is an Abacus?
  2. What is a Neurologist?
  3. What does the word writhed mean?

The following children: Yaw, Mohanned, Ayaan, Maryam, Kaila, Amanah, Lillie and Samik please upload your answers to the Share point below. Please do not answer on the blog. Just leave a comment to say you have completed the work and sent it.

Malkin Moonlight Questions

  1. Who are the characters?
  2. Where is the setting?
  3. What does it mean by Sixth Sense?
  4. Why did Malkin feel alone?

Vocabulary Work

  1. What does it mean by destined?
  2. Write 3 adjectives to describe the magnificent moon?
  3.  What is a reed?

9 responses to “Ms Janjua’s GD Reading Group”

  1. Lillie S.

    I have uploaded my work

  2. Kaila M.

    I have uploaded my work.

  3. Samik S.

    I have uploaded my work and have read the pages to chapter 4

  4. Aisha R.

    I have uploaded my work

  5. Aaminah A.

    I have uploaded my work.

  6. Safiyah P.

    I have sent my work.

  7. Mrs Janjua

    WELL DONE both of you. Great answers and use of inference skills.

  8. Simin W.

    I sent my work.

  9. Fatimah K.

    I have uploaded my work.

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