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Place Value

This term in Maths, Year 4 will be learning all about Place Value.

Let’s start by looking at these numbers…


What is the value of the 7 in each number? Is it always the same? Explain your answer.
Once you have completed this, complete the task below.
Task: Write down the value of the digit underlined. Explain how you know.


What is the largest number you can make out of these digits?

What is the smallest number you can make using these digits?

What is the difference between the smallest number you have made and the largest number?

2 responses to “Place Value”

  1. Kirtan P.

    1742 7 equals 700
    157 7 equals 7
    73 7 equals 70
    What is the largest number you can make out of the digits?
    What is the smallest number you can make using the digits?
    What is the difference between the smallest number you can make and the largest number? The difference between the smallest number to the largest number 4176.

  2. Saffa M.

    1742 the 7 in there is 7 hundreds and it is not all the same 157 the 7 in there is 7 ones.73 the 7 in there is 7 tens
    The largest is 5421, 1245 there is no difference.

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